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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Winners & Top 3 Challenge 35 ~ Bingo

A big thank you again to everyone who played along with our BINGO challenge last week.  We had 117 entries.  The winner of the goodies from Robyn's Fetish (using Random.org) is......

True Random Number Generator



Powered by RANDOM.ORG

There were 6 entries that used all 9 squares from the bingo card.  So the winner of the goodies from Pizzazz Aplenty (using Random.org) is.....

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Max: 6


Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations ladies. Please email Stacy at twosisterschallengeblog@live.com to find out how to claim your goodies.  There is also a winners badge in the sidebar if you would like to grab it for your blog.
The top three in no particular order are.....

Congratulations ladies! There is a top 3 badge in the sidebar if you would like to add it to your blog.

We also had one child enter our challenge this week. She even used all 9 squares! So we would like to give a special mention to 7 year old Rebecca who created this gorgeous card....


Sonia said...

Congrats to all winners!!
Especially congrats to Rebecca for your special mention!

Inkypinkydelights said...

Thank you so much for including me in your Top Three, it has really made my day! And OMG! Rebecca what a lovely card, big congratulations and hugs for the special mention. Judy x

dj1952 said...

I appreciate so much being in one of the top three. It's so nice when others like what you do. I enjoy your bingo challenge very much. Hugs, dj1952