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Saturday, November 2, 2013


Good morning and welcome to the 2 Sisters Challenge Blog.  Have you ever had one of those weeks where you wished that everything would just stop for a couple of hours so you could catch up on everything?  I apologize for this post being late.  I totally spaced last night and forgot that it was Friday and I needed to get the post ready.

We would like to thank everyone who entered our contest last week.  We love seeing all of your wonderful creations.  This week we are being sponsored by...

The theme of our challenge this week is...
 We would like to see all of your wonderful Christmas cards and projects however, we don't want to see any RED or GREEN this week.  We will accept green on your image IF it contains a tree and then only the tree can be green.  Otherwise NO RED or GREEN.
Here is what our DT has created to inspire you...

(coming soon)

(coming soon)
 Now it is your turn!! You have until 11:59AM EST Friday November 8th to enter your cards and projects for a chance to win the sponsor prize.  As always if the linky tool is missing or isn't working please link your entries in the comments section.



Suze said...

I'm right with you on that Stacey. It has been one of those weeks for me too and a couple of extra hours would have been wonderful!! We can dream! Thanks for another great challenge.

LeslieT said...

I'm right there with you, too, Stacy! It seems like time in general is flying by and there aren't enough hours in a day to get everything done we need to get done! But you're killing us... we're looking for the posts on Winners and Top 3 picks for Challenges #163, #164, #165, #166 and #167! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! Hugs!

Indy's Designs said...

Thanks for a fun challenge! It was fun going outside the traditional red and green to make holiday cards!

Planetsusie said...

Great Challenge because I love not using red/green all the time. Thank you so much.

Hugs to you Sue Pxxx

ValByDesign, Valerie said...

Did you ever announce the winners from your Challenge #166?