We are currently looking for sponsors for 2014. If you are interested in sponsoring 2 Sisters Challenge Blog please email us at twosisterschallengeblog@live.com.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Design Team Call

We are hosting a design team call for the 2 Sisters Challenge Blog.  If you are interested in becoming a member of the team please read the requirements below.  Contact me with your entry submission at twosisterschallengeblog@live.com  

You must be willing to create and post a project for each challenge.  
You must be willing to serve for six months.
You will be responsible for commenting on entries.  Each DT member will be assigned a number that 
corresponds to the entries that you will be responsible for (i.e. #3 ~ You would be responsible for entries numbered 3, 13, 23, 33, 43 and so on) 
If you wish to enter please create three cards or other projects showing me a sample of your work.  You can use projects that you have previously made just provide me with your blog address so that I can go and view them.  If you are using new never before posted projects please attach a picture of each to the e-mail that you send.
This Design Team Call will be open from now until November 30th.  

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